
According to Shangguan News, in the early morning of May 9, China Cargo Airlines’ ck248 cargo charter flight from Osaka arrived at Shanghai Pudong Airport, with a total of 41 tons of materials on board.Among them, 20 tons are the raw material photoresist required by integrated circuit enterprises,21 tons of related equipment.After this batch of photoresist and equipment arrived in Hong KongWill be shipped to a number of integrated circuit companies in Shanghai.

It is reported that from May 1st to 8th,China Eastern Airlines has accumulated 45 tons of imported photoresist for Shanghai integrated circuit enterprises.

In addition, CCTV News has reported that on April 20 and April 24, two batches of photoresist with a total of 8.9 tons of air transport tasks were completed.Solve the continuity needs of the supply chain of key chip companies.

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