
Climb 5 times within 5 seconds – this is one of the new Fortnite tasks in week 6, which sounds quite easy at first, but in practice it turns out to be more difficult than expected. No panic! In fact, there are many ways in which you can solve this task, but the following two tricks make it particularly easy:

Fortnite: Climb 5 times in 5 seconds Content:

Fortnite: Climb 5 times in 5 seconds – The Window Method

The easiest way to climb 5 times in 5 seconds in Fortnite is as follows: Land in a quiet corner of the island and first mine some wood or metal – 20 units are enough (no stone, it doesn’t work with that). Now build two walls stacked on top of each other, then target the top wall, select “edit” and add a window in the middle. With that, the preparations are already complete.

Fortnite: Put two walls on top of each other and build a window at the top…

Now jump up the first wall and press the jump button again to climb up the window. Since the same is too small for wooden and metal walls and your character doesn’t fit through, he falls down the wall again. Now quickly press the jump button again and your alter ego will hold on again and climb up the window again. You play the game five times and the task is done. Specifically, with this method, you just have to keep hammering the jump button until the task is complete.

… then you quickly climb up the window that is too small 5 times in 5 seconds.

The alternative path for “Don’t Build” game modes

If you’re playing Fortnite in “Don’t Build” mode, at the start of a round you’ll jump out of the Battle Bus (Command Cavern) near an IO airship and land on the lower section of the zeppelin. Alternatively, you can land on the airship and then walk to the lower deck.

Fortnite: If you play in a no-build mode, you can complete the task on the bombs on an airship.

Your target is the large bombs stacked in packs of 6 in the back of the lower deck. They are big enough and have an ideal distance from each other that you can climb up them one after the other. The rest is easy: stand in front of the bombs and hammer the jump button until you get to the top.

Fortnite: Face the bombs on an airship and hammer the jump button to quickly climb 5 times in 5 seconds.

More on Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2:

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