
Earlier, cybersecurity firm Check Point Research disclosed a new vulnerability in UNISOC chips.

This vulnerability affects as part of the chip,And the network demodulator that is directly responsible for the network connection. This means that an attacker would be able to use the vulnerability to send corrupted network packets to the user, thereby disabling or interrupting the device’s network connection.

Today, according to media reports, Ziguang Zhanrui officially responded to the matter.

Ziguang Zhanrui officially stated,At present, the relevant investigation on this security vulnerability has been completed and registered, and the relevant patches that have been verified have been successively updated to the relevant customer manufacturers on May 30.

In addition, the official also responded to users’ concerns about the security of Ziguang Zhanrui chips.

Officially,This vulnerability only exists when the operator’s network is breached by hackers, and will not cause information leakage of the user terminal or unrecoverable communication problems.

At the same time, the official also emphasized that operators themselves have made targeted prevention against such risks, so users do not need to worry too much.

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Responsible editor: Nai Hearticle error correction

Hashtag: UNISOC Chip Vulnerability

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