
Mercedes-Benz gives priority to Tesla: the German manufacturer will indeed be the first to market a level 3 autonomous driving system. Be careful, this will be limited to specific conditions and you will have to pay the price.

In a few days, motorists driving in Class S or EQS will be able to offer their vehicle the activation of the Drive Pilot system. An option that costs from 5,000 to 7,430 €, but since these are the most expensive models from Mercedes-Benz, money should not be a real problem for these drivers…

No siesta driving

Drive Pilot technology lets you take your hands off the wheel and get busy doing something other than driving. The manufacturer thus offers to relax, watching a film for example, or to work while surfing the internet. Be careful however, they will not be able to take the opportunity to take a nap: the motorist must be able to intervene in less than ten seconds if necessary.

If the car detects that the driver is not there, it will safely stop itself. The system developed by Mercedes-Benz is level 3 on a scale of 5. The latter being synonymous with autonomous driving in any situation. This is not the case of the Drive Pilot, which is limited to highways at a speed that cannot exceed 60 km/h. In other words, in busy situations on the road.

The manufacturer’s technology is based on Lidar laser ranging equipment supplied by Valeo. We are therefore not on cameras as is the case at Tesla, where the Autopilot is level 2 anyway: the driver must have his hands on the wheel, even when the driving assistance is activated. .

At the moment, Drive Pilot is only offered in Germany, but Mercedes-Benz intends to obtain the necessary certifications for California and Nevada.

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