
the third PvP season of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic ended on May 3, 2022. In addition, Blizzard announced after the Easter weekend that it no longer wanted to carry out any further tests around the sunwell plateau. Let’s pack those too Announcing WoW: Wrath of the Lich King Classic for 2022it was only a matter of time before the developers revealed the release date for the final patch of TBC Classic.

WoW Classic: Is Cataclysm coming too?

It starts tomorrow!

And indeed: the author of these lines had hardly said goodbye to the long weekend when there were important details about the Outland finals. Insight number 1: Tomorrow, May 10, 2022, the Shattered Sun Offensive begins. In the announcement on the official WoW website is it[called:

WoW: The masses of players will soon be flocking back to the island of Quel’Danas.

Source: buffed

“The entire forces of Shattrath have rallied and launched an assault on the Isle of Quel’Danas to confront Kael’thas and the Legion at the Sunwell and surrounding areas. You can now gain reputation with the Shattered Sun Offensive and participate in a new series of daily quests.

At first, the Shattered Sun’s forces are limited while you help repel the Legion’s unrelenting onslaught. Advancement on the Isle of Quel’Danas depends on the efforts of your entire realm, so do your part! As your realm supports the Shattered Sun offensive, new reinforcements arrive, offering goods and services alongside new daily quests.

Once the beachhead is fully reinforced, you’ll have access to many helpful allies. Hire the services of blacksmiths for repairs, innkeepers, alchemists, and profession recipe vendors, and gain access to the new Insignia of Justice vendors. They offer epic gear and epic gems, among other things.”

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