
When it comes to BUG prices, it is difficult to judge whether it is an unintentional mistake or an intentional release of water.

a few days ago,Western Digital Official Website MallThere was a wave of divine operations, a 1TB purple disk with a dignified monitoring level,There is an amazingly low price of 0.1%, the original price of 83.99 US dollars, but only 1 US dollar (about 6.66 yuan).

Not only that, the 1TB Gold Disk is $3, the 500GB 2.5-inch Blue Disk is $5, the 2TB NAS Red Disk Pro is only $10, and the 1TB Red Disk Plus is only $27…

Even more exaggerated is the large capacity, 20TB gold disk is only $150, and 20TB red disk Pro is only $75…

The foreign wool party, which was discovered early, naturally smashed, and some media editors couldn’t hold back, and ordered 10 4TB red disks in one go, which cost only 321 US dollars (about 2139 yuan).

However, before the deadline, Western Digital has urgently withdrawn these BUG prices, but the purchasers have not yet been cut off, and we will wait for a follow-up to see.

Western Digital's official website is shocked to find a 0.1% discount BUG price of 6 yuan to buy a purple plate: netizens go crazy for wool

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Wan Nanarticle error correction

Hashtag: Western Digital Red Disk Mechanical Hard Drive BUG Price

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