
What should I do if my driver’s license is deducted? Many friends accidentally violate the rules while driving, and their driver’s license will be deducted. Generally speaking, the deduction record will be eliminated after the one-year scoring cycle is completed. Of course it is not advisable to find someone to buy points, that is illegal! But do you have to wait a year? In fact, there are legal ways to reduce points! In the official traffic police app “Traffic Management 12123″, you can deduct points by studying the law! Let’s see how it works. First of all, you need to update to the latest traffic management 12123 application, otherwise the service will not be available. After opening the traffic control 12123, you can see the function of adding points for studying the Fa on the homepage, just click on it. To use the learning method to reduce points, you must first verify your face, and then submit the application after the verification is passed. After the system prompts that the submission is successful, it will tell you to wait for the review, but in fact, at this time, you will be able to start learning if you enter the study again and reduce the points. According to the prompt, the study needs to be completed within about 3 days, otherwise the application will be cancelled. Learning Method Deduction provides some online learning materials, including video and document learning. After 30 minutes of study, you can enter the exam, and you can reduce the score if you pass the exam (deduction also needs to go through the process of review, no .
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