
IT House reported on May 8 that a number of mobile phone manufacturers have demonstrated concept products of scroll-screen mobile phones, but none of them have launched mass-produced models. According to the latest revelations, Motorola intends to be the first to try.

91mobiles has previously exposed Motorola’s vertically foldable phone codenamed “Maven”.This evening, 91mobiles released another message saying that Motorola isDeveloped the first vertical scrolling phone, codenamed Felix.

According to reports, Felix is ​​different from previous concept products such as OPPO and LG. Both OPPO and LG’s concept scroll-screen phones are traditional phone sizes and then expanded to tablet sizes.While Motorola’s Felix will try to extend the screen vertically, the display’sabout one thirdIt is wound on the spindle at the bottom, and then unrolled electrically,Make the whole phone longer.

▼ OPPO X 2021 scroll screen concept machine

The revelations also said that Felix is ​​still in the early stages of development and will not be released for mass production.at least a year.

IT House previously reported that Motorola’s new folding screen phone codenamed Maven cancels the Razr’s iconic chin and integrates a fingerprint sensor into the power button. It will be available in China first at the end of July or early August.

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Related Reading:

“Motorola Maven flagship folding phone real machine exposure: cancel the iconic chin design”

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