User Twitter posted by adyingnobody history, which says that he allegedly used a vulnerability in Telegram, which allows you to quietly enter any chat using a special link and read the correspondence. From October 2019 to May 2022, he collected a huge amount of data that is stored on his server.
The hacker purposefully followed the correspondence of popular infogypsies and crypto-influencers and found out that many of them promote fraudulent projects. Sitting in closed chats, he found out which projects are worth investing in and when they should be exited in order to get the maximum profit and not lose investments.
Now the hacker is allegedly terminally ill. He is going to leave all the savings to his family, and will put the collected correspondence in the public domain. The materials will be made public in three stages – June 15, June 30 and July 15. From them it will be possible to learn how crypto-investors manipulate their audience in social networks, launch new projects under fake personalities, order private jets for orgies, brag about harassment, rape, pedophilia and racist antics in a private circle. Also promised evidence of murders to steal cryptocurrency.
A 7zip file called CTGHistory with a capacity of 137.21 GB will have to appear in various file sharing services on July 7 this year. It will be possible to find it (and make sure that this is exactly the archive) by the hash sum e135846e2594f4ddb45abee1e27c8521329e440b9af77891a29ae54f8cd71bbc. Some people associated with the crypto-currency sphere have already received this archive from adyingnobody, but it is password-protected, and the password will not be revealed until July 7th.
It is possible that adyingnobody is cheating, and in fact he did not hack Telegram and did not download someone else’s correspondence. He may well turn out to be a scammer, especially since he promises to tell the password to the archive to those who make any transaction with his wallet. Over the past few hours, he received over 130 transfers worth about $38 (some of the transfers were empty).
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