
WDCWestern Digital was originallyHDDhard drive manufacturers,2015Acquired SanDisk inNANDThe flash memory industry, however7Now, years later, Western Digital may have to face another choice.HDDMechanical hard disk and flash memory business split.

Western Digital reportedly said on Tuesday that it was reviewing strategic options, including options for spinning off its flash and hard drive businesses.

The announcement comes after prominent activist investorsElliott ManagementDisclose holdings of the company for nearly10released a month after taking a $100 million stake and pushing for its spin-off of its flash and hard drive businesses,ElliottHold Western Digital for approximately6%shares.

According to reports, the New York-basedElliottIt has also said that it provides more than10billion in incremental equity capital with an enterprise value of170billion to200One hundred million U.S. dollars.

Western Digital CEODavid GoeckelerIn a statement it said:Through this process, we are actively pursuing a broad program of strategic and financial options that will help further optimize Western Digital’s value, includingElliottA proposal to invest incremental equity capital in our flash memory business.

2015In 2018, Western Digital announced that it would spend180acquisition of SanDisk for $100 million,2016year5With the approval of the Ministry of Commerce of China in January, Western Digital officially completed the acquisition of SanDisk.Entered the coveted flash memory industry.

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The post Mechanical hard drives and flash memory will be separated again. It is reported that Western Digital is considering splitting into two major businesses – Western Digital, mechanical hard drives, solid-state drives – Fast Technology (the media of Drive Home) – Technology changes the future appeared first on Gamingsym.