
Smart watch face value ceiling!Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro heavy upgrade: WeChat payment is coming

At the new product launch conference at the end of April, Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro series smart watches were officially released. At the meeting, Yu Chengdong said that this series is the ceiling of smart watches.

A few days ago, Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro pushed the HarmonyOS version update, the installation package is 112MB, This update not only brings the WeChat payment function, but also adds iOS mobile phones to support wallet transportation card and music control functions after Android and HarmonyOS mobile phones.

At the same time, after the version update, Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro can also install the respiratory health research application to realize the preliminary screening of lung infection (connection to iOS mobile phones is not supported).

Also learned from Huawei Pollen Club,Huawei WATCH 3 series watches will support WeChat function in subsequent versions,After using the watch to connect to the mobile phone via Bluetooth, the user can view WeChat messages on the watch and reply in time.

It is reported that the Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro series offers two styles of Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro titanium version and Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro ceramic version.

Smart watch face value ceiling!Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro heavy upgrade: WeChat payment is coming

The series has passed 200 rounds of pressurized waterproof test cycles to achieve diving-grade waterproof performance.It can support free diving at a maximum depth of 30 meters, and supports 100 multi-sport types,Maps of over 300 golf courses across the country.

In terms of health detection, the Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro series has automatic blood oxygen saturation monitoring, female physiological cycle 2.0, high heart rate atrial fibrillation screening, ECG ECG acquisition, and ECG analysis.

Smart watch face value ceiling!Huawei WATCH GT 3 Pro heavy upgrade: WeChat payment is coming

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Shi Qiarticle error correction

Hashtags: Huawei WATCH GT 3 ProHuawei WeChat Pay

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