
Since the abandonment of Days Gone 2we know that Bend Studio worked for a while on the license Uncharted, before being given an original license. The studio is not yet ready to reveal images of this next project, but it is taking this opportunity to make its transformation by changing its logo, while quickly evoking its upcoming game.

A new era, with a new game

So you can find out below Bend Studio’s new logo, which was designed to offer a stronger and more identifiable identity, as well as being more modular. It also represents more of the town of Bend located at the foot of the Cascade Mountain Range in Oregon.

All of this may not captivate gamers eagerly waiting to see the studio’s next work, but Kevin McAllisteronline community specialist at Bend Studio, also took advantage of this post on the PlayStation-Blog to talk about the future.

After tracing the history of the studio, he indicates that a new era is beginning for the team, which is working on a new license:

We are currently working on a new license that incorporates multiplayer and builds on Days Gone’s open-world systems, but brings you a whole new world which we are positively excited to build for you. We can’t wait to reveal more to you when the time comes. »

It’s not much, but we now know that multiplayer will have an important place in this project, and that the studio will be inspired by its work on Days Gone to build his next world. We will now have to wait before knowing more.

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