

An attacker using the Trailer header as part of the request against proxy endpoints has the ability to take down the server.
All Podium layouts that include podlets with proxy endpoints are affected.


@podium/layout which is the main way developers/users are vulnerable to this exploit, has been patched in version 4.6.110. All earlier versions are vulnerable.
@podium/proxy which is the source of the vulnerability and is used by @podium/layout has been patched in version 4.2.74. All earlier versions are vulnerable.


It is not easily possible to work around this issue without upgrading. We recommend upgrading @podium/layout and/or @podium/proxy as soon as possible.

For more information

If you have any questions or comments about this advisory:


The vulnerability was reported by krynos from Ercoli Consulting via FINN.no’s private bug bounty program
