
On May 7, according to “China Philanthropist” magazine, Changsha BYD Yuhua District Factory (hereinafter referred to as Changsha BYD) was caught in a whirlpool of environmental pollution.

Phoenix.com New Vision has learned that in the past two months, there have been strong paint smells, burning plastic smells, cow dung smells and other irritating odors near BYD’s Changsha factory. More than a dozen communities near the factory, including China Construction Jiahe City, China Construction Phoenix Terrace, Alliance Jiayuan, Aoyuan, Zhonghang City, Xinxing Community, Changtan Homestead, Evergrande City, Bochang Shanshui Xiangyi, Country Garden Nancheng Capital Community. More than 1,000 residents reported being affected.

At the same time, hundreds of children in the surrounding communityUnexplained nosebleedsAdults also have symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and persistent cough.

A questionnaire survey provided by residents of the community showed that Jiahe Primary School, the 27th, 28th, 29th, and 30th buildings in the Jiahe City Community near the south, and the Jinghuan Community, which is closer to the BYD factory, had the most symptoms of discomfort. When the south wind blows, these three places are all “downwind” of the BYD factory.

In the report of “China Philanthropist” magazine, the source of this irritating smell was also pointed to the BYD factory in Changsha.

According to 2 videos and 1 recording provided by the owner of Jiahe City Community to Phoenix.com New Vision, Captain Luo of the Yuhua District Ecological Environment Law Enforcement Brigade also said to the residents, “Can smell the pungent smell of the neighborhoodthe smell can also be smelled in BYD factories and Jinghuan Community, which is closer to BYD.

Hundreds of children suffer from unexplained nosebleeds

On the evening of May 5, Yuan Qun negotiated with the factory for the third time. She is a resident of Jiahecheng Community in Zhongjian, Changsha, and the parent of Xiaotang, a student from class 2004 of Jiahe Primary School.

The next morning, her 7-year-old daughter Xiaotang suffered a third nosebleed. The most serious one was on the morning of April 9. Xiaotang was sleeping at home. superior.

Xiaotang’s classmates have also experienced epistaxis recently, some at school and some at home. The statistics given by the teacher of the small sugar care class reads,Several children had nosebleeds during care.

Yuan Qun told Phoenix New Vision that there are 44 students in the small sugar class, and 21 of them have suffered from multiple unexplained nosebleeds in the past two months.almost half of the total. The teacher of the school said that in more than 30 years of teaching experience and more than 50 years of life, he has never seen so many children in Jiahe City “bleeding” like this.

▲ Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Liu Jun and Yuan Qun live in the same community. His two children were not spared, and suffered four nosebleeds within a month. The 5-year-old daughter had nosebleeds on the evening of April 3 and the morning of April 12, and the son had the morning of April 10 and the evening of April 15.

Ms. Huang’s son, had 4 nosebleeds in April. She said that the basic activities are in the community, and she smelled the smell of paint and burnt plastic many times during the day, which made her nauseated. I can smell the peculiar smell when I fall asleep at night and in the early morning, and get up in the morning with fatigue and dry throat.

According to a piece of “Solitaire” information obtained by Phoenix.com New Vision that was suspended shortly after it was published, there were 47 items in a short period of time that reflected the symptoms of coughing and nosebleeds in children. According to the statistics of Phoenix New Vision,Hundreds of children in the nearby community suffered from unexplained nosebleeds one after another. Among them, the youngest child was only over 1 year old..

In the past two months, Yuan Qun has also experienced symptoms of vomiting and dizziness nearly five times. In addition, his throat has been dry and sore for a long time, and he has a cough. The most serious one was on March 22, when Yuan Qun collapsed at home and called 120 to the emergency room for medical treatment, but the cause was not found out.

Another resident provided medical records on April 22, stating that there was an irritating odor in the community, nausea, throat discomfort, and allergic rhinitis.

The panic spread further. A resident told Phoenix.com New Vision that there were two leukemia patients in the community, both children who were only over one year old, which made everyone even more worried. “If the child really has some disease or cancer, who will bear the damage to the family?”

Parents searched for the reason in many ways, and finally pointed the finger at the nearby BYD Changsha factory.They believe that the pungent smell is similar to the smell of exhaust gas emitted from the alteration workshop of Changsha Yadi.

Where does the “pungent smell” come from

According to “China Philanthropist” citing the views of people in the automobile industry, in the process of automobile manufacturing, a large number of chemical products are often used in painting and other links, resulting in a large amount of pollutants. If not handled properly, it will bring harm to the surrounding atmosphere and water. Influence.

But what is the root cause of irritating odor, children’s nosebleeds, and adults’ respiratory discomfort may need to be found and identified by the owner as a stakeholder. For residents with no professional background, building a complete chain of evidence may not be easy.

Jia Xijin, an associate professor at the School of Public Administration of Tsinghua University, said in an interview with Phoenix New Vision: “From the visual, auditory, and olfactory pathways, such a possibility has been found, and we can continue to follow this aspect to either confirm or rule it out. “If there is a group health condition, parents look for environmental factors, which is a reasonable suspicion.”

Han Junkui, an associate professor at the China Institute of Social Management / School of Sociology at Beijing Normal University, told Phoenix New Vision that it is necessary to first confirm whether the source of pollution is water, air, or the climate, and after determining the causal relationship, consider taking public interest litigation judicial procedures.

Professor Jia believes that this kind of large-scale health problem, the first consideration is not individual factors, but involves the environment they belong to, including food, water, air, radiation sources, pollution sources, etc., are all possible.

She suggested that residents should not only seek help from relevant government departments, dial 12345, contact the environmental protection department, planning department, and quality inspection department, but also need to communicate with the management department to seek help from developers and properties, or contact more professional environmental protection Organizations and relevant lawyers help to find out whether it is a standard problem, planning, approval, environmental impact assessment or testing problem, and if necessary, go through the judicial process of public interest litigation.

Jia Xijin suggested that parents can apply for the disclosure of EIA standards, EIA results, and EIA procedures, so that more information can be obtained and checked. Or pay money to find an authoritative testing department for testing. If the testing standards and results are different from those officially announced, you can compare them.

At present, residents of Jiahe City have gone through all the above procedures except for public interest litigation and spontaneous testing..

According to the national automobile factory sanitary protection distance standard, the location of the automobile factory and the residential area should consider the influence of factors such as wind direction, frequency, terrain, etc., in order to minimize the pollution to the atmospheric environment of the residential area. The standard stipulates that the distance between factories and residential areas varies from 300 meters to 500 meters according to different wind speeds.

The BYD factory is only 40 meters or 50 meters away from some communities, and only 300 meters away from Jiahe School.

In the factory environmental impact report submitted by BYD, the Jiahe City Community, which is only more than 100 meters away from the factory, is listed as being under construction. Delivered in November,3,800 users have been registered, and the occupancy rate has reached more than 60%.

According to the environmental impact report of BYD’s painting project, the original EIA approval requirements stated that the 400-meter boundary of the workshop is a protective distance, and it is forbidden to build environmentally sensitive buildings such as residential areas and schools.

The report still adopts the hygienic protection distance standard for automobile manufacturing plants (GB 18075-2000), which was abolished in 2012, while the technical principles for derivation of hygienic distances for unorganized emissions of harmful substances in the atmosphere (GB / T 39499-2020), the boundary of the production workshop that produces atmospheric hazardous substances shall be at the minimum distance from the boundary of the sensitive area.

The EIA report also clearly pointed out that there are environmental problems and no measures have been taken to deal with volatile organic compounds (VOCS).

AB side of yield

Liu Jun’s school district room is 100 meters away from the school, facing the BYD Changsha factory. The two children go to Jiahe Primary School, which is closer to the factory. After moving to this community in 2019, both Liu Jun’s children had nosebleeds, but they have never been as intensive and severe as in March and April.

He opened the window of his room and could see the factory. He observed that in the past two months, the factory was often brightly lit until 4:30 in the morning, and then started again at 7 or 8 in the morning.

This is in line with the statements of many Jiahe City owners. After moving in, the community will occasionally have a bad smell, but before it was not so serious that “it was unbearable for people to breathe for a minute”. To make people “unbearable”.

Liu Jun believes that BYD’s output was not so high in the past few years, so it did not have such a large displacement. As the output index has soared this year, pollution is also intensifying.

▲ The BYD factory photographed by residents of Jiahe City at home, with the primary school playground in the lower left corner

According to the 2021 Passenger Federation Information Statistics, BYD’s new energy vehicle sales in 2021 will reach 580,000 units, ranking first in the domestic new energy market. In the first quarter of 2022 alone, the sales volume will be higher than the sales volume in the first half of last year, reaching 392,400 units, of which the DM plug-in hybrid series models in March and April have a combined ratio of 615.2% and 313.22%.

After the car is sold, how to deliver it has become the biggest problem. On April 22, a BYD owner waited 262 days to pick up the car, and the picture of thanking the 4S with a banner was popular on Douyin, with a delivery period of 3 to 4 months. , attracted the dissatisfaction of BYD consumers.

At present, BYD’s cumulative undelivered order volume has reached 400,000 units, and it is still increasing month by month.

How to deliver the 6-fold and 3-fold increase in sales of DM plug-in hybrid series models? Where can factory output keep up?

The pressure of this important task falls on BYD’s factory in Yuhua District, which is known as the “largest production capacity”..

The BYD factory has already landed in Changsha Yuhua District in 2009. In 2021, BYD launched the DM-i super hybrid system. The Changsha Yuhua District factory is the main production base of BYD DM-i, and it is also the BYD hybrid system currently in the country. The only production base, with a total investment of 3.7 billion yuan, covers an area of ​​650 mu, with a construction area of ​​600,000 square meters. It will be constructed in two phases.

The first phase will start construction in January 2021, and will be completed and put into production in July. It undertakes the production and assembly of motors, the core components of the “three electrics” (battery, motor, electronic control and chip, which are the core technologies of the whole industry chain of new energy vehicles).

According to Hunan Daily, the staff of Yuhua Economic Development Zone worked hard in “white + black” and “5 + 2” to make room for the first phase of the project within two months. At present, the project has formed a production capacity of 60,000 sets of electric assemblies per month, fully supporting all DM-i models of BYD Auto. Five production lines in the workshop are started simultaneously, and one motor can be offline every 3 minutes.

The second phase of the project has also completed the construction of some workshops and workshops. It is expected that the project will be officially put into production in May this year. After the project is fully put into use, Changsha BYD has become the production base with the largest number of vehicle products and the largest production capacity, with an annual output of more than 600,000 new energy vehicles.

At the other end of the production squeeze, it may be an environmental issue.

The story of BYD’s 2011 Shenzhen factory seems to be repeating itself.

At that time, BYD planned to spend 8.2 billion yuan to build a new energy material base in Baolong Industrial Zone, Longgang District, Shenzhen, known as “the world’s largest new energy battery factory”. The project site is only 100 meters away from the surrounding residential areas. Neighbors across the street are fighting fiercely against the hidden dangers of pollution.

In October of that year, the plan was suspended, and in November, the plan was changed. After the plan was changed, the removed production links were moved to other areas, including Changsha.

In 2019, the “Changsha Provincial Environmental Protection Inspector Feedback Issue No. 47 Rectification Announcement” published on the official website of the Changsha Ecological Environment Bureau showed that Changsha BYD was regarded as a key issue because the pollutants emitted by the production exhaust gas of the spraying workshop affected the lives of nearby residents. Complaining enterprises are included in the key supervision objects.

On the official website of the Hunan Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, a list of public petitions and reports on May 8, 2021, transfer of complaints, and side supervision and reform shows that the paint smell in the painting workshop of BYD’s manufacturing plant in Yuhua District, Changsha City is serious and affects residents. Life problems, after a joint investigation and verification by the Yuhua Economic Development Zone Management Committee, Tongsheng Street, the District Ecological Environment Sub-bureau, and the District Ecological Environment Law Enforcement Brigade, the situation is basically true.

At the beginning of this year, the Changsha Ecological Environment Bureau released the public announcement on the comprehensive regulation of volatile organic compounds in key enterprises in Changsha in 2021. Among them, there are 28 units, and Changsha BYD Automobile Co., Ltd. is among them.

Blessing, not “poison”

On April 25, April 27, April 29, May 4, and May 5, residents and parties including BYDThere have been many rounds of negotiation on this matter, but no agreement has been reached.

On April 25, the Yuhua District Ecological Environment Law Enforcement Brigade went to Jiahe City for inspection and said that they could smell the pungent odor of the community.

Captain Luo of the Law Enforcement Brigade said, “The leader attaches great importance to it and wants to help solve it. He is still working hard. In the next step, he will continue to put people’s livelihood issues first. In the report of this report, we will do our best to do our job well.”

On April 27, BYD posted its March environmental inspection report in Jiahe City, which stated that BYD’s emissions met the standards.

But the owner does not approve the test report.

They believe that in terms of detection time, the most irritating taste is concentrated in the evening to the next morning, but the report may “just” avoid this time period and choose the time in the “controllable” daytime.

On April 29, the community organized the District Environmental Protection Law Enforcement Team, BYD Company, Occupational Disease Hospital, the Phase II EIA Unit and the owners’ representatives for the first meeting. The community owners hoped to disclose the standards and re-test the environment under supervision.

At the communication meeting, representatives of the environmental protection department and BYD admitted that the community could smell peculiar smells.

During the May Day holiday, some residents said that the pungent smell in the community was slightly relieved due to the short rest of the factory.

On the evening of May 4, as the factory resumed work, the pungent smell reappeared. Some residents said that their health was normal during the May Day holiday, but they started to have nosebleeds one day after returning to the community.

Resident Zhou Conge said that after his lover returned to his home in Changsha from Changde after the May Day, he developed two epistaxis symptoms. Liu Jun’s cough persisted for nearly a month. On May 1, the symptoms were relieved after staying in his hometown for two days. After returning, the symptoms began to recur again.

According to “China Philanthropist” magazine, representatives of the environmental protection department had previously told residents that they could call them next time if they smelled a pungent odor, and the environmental protection department would send someone to test at any time. However, the residents called the Yuhua District Ecological Environment Law Enforcement Brigade. After a person in charge arrived at the scene, he admitted that he smelled the smell, but failed to detect it because he did not bring equipment.

Residents purchased testing equipment themselves, and the measurement results confirmed their concerns. According to relevant national standards, the indoor tvoc (total volatile organic compounds) value is equal to or less than 0.60mg/m3 to be considered safe, and the value detected by residents themselves is 1.015mg/m3.

On the evening of May 5, the pungent smell intensified, igniting the anger of the owners. The owners once again went to the factory to protest collectively.Put out the slogan “Blessing, not poison”.

“Fu” is not only the name of BYD President Wang Chuanfu, but also represents the local recognition of the economic value, commercial value and employment value brought by BYD. health concerns. The two are not completely opposed, and how to balance the relationship between the two is a problem that enterprises need to seriously consider.

“We can stop eating poisonous food, but how can we stop smelling poisonous air? We can afford it, our children can’t afford it.” On May 6, residents of Jiahe City Community expressed in a joint protest letter.

The owner’s demands are clear:

  • 1. Strictly investigate the reasons for the nuisance of waste gas, and identify and publish the main components and pollution sources of irritating odors;

  • 2. Announce the relevant testing data, testing methods and testing standards of the previous “qualified” results of BYD’s exhaust gas monitoring;

  • 3. Restart the exhaust emission monitoring of BYD, monitoring time, sampling location, monitoring method and data results, and accept the supervision of the community owner;

  • 4. Perform technical rectification on Vocs emissions, and do not discharge before the rectification is completed. Workshops that cannot be rectified must be moved out. At the same time, the approval of the follow-up construction projects of the BYD factory has been suspended.

Phoenix.com New Vision consulted the Environmental Protection Bureau of Yuhua District, Changsha City on the issue of exhaust emissions from BYD’s Changsha factory, and got a reply, “The Environmental Protection Bureau has no law enforcement power, and it is recommended to consult the Ecological Environment Law Enforcement Brigade. “

Phoenix.com New Vision contacted the Yuhua District Ecological Environment Law Enforcement Brigade,But the other party said he was in a meeting and refused to respond.

Phoenix.com New Vision repeatedly called the Changsha Environmental Monitoring Detachment and the Yuhua District Brigade of the Changsha Planning, Supervision and Law Enforcement Detachment, but no one answered.

We contacted BYD about the relationship between the unexplained epistaxis of 100 children and BYD reported by thousands of residents near the factory; the residents’ demands for environmental impact assessment; and BYD’s measures after the residents collectively protested at the factory. given to the other party.

As of press time, the other party has not responded.

Phoenix.com New Vision exclusively obtained a copyZhu Bin, General Manager of BYD Changsha Region Audio recording of communication with residents on May 5.

The resident representative said, “Because of your production, your sales, sacrifice our health. We can’t stand it for a day. Do you know that three months is still a little risky for us? How many families get sick because of this? You Just make money.”

Zhu Bin, general manager of BYD’s Changsha region, said, “The amount of the first phase of the project is large in the early stage, and everyone may think it is a hidden danger. We are afraid that we will start mass production someday. But we may have invested more than 100 million. It is not realistic to stop production. The company has now invited a professional team to make a plan for us,I hope that the rectification plan will be made in May, and try to reduce it so that you can’t experience it.. “

BYD promises,The first phase of the project will be completely overhauled, compress the rectification period to the shortest. The equipment installation of the second phase was completed on April 30, and it is now being debugged. It will take the last three months to debug. There needs to be a process to change it step by step.

On May 6, Xiaojing, the representative of the owner of Jinghuan Community, told Phoenix.com New Vision that she had just participated in the latest communication with BYD. BYD made a temporary decision at 8:00 that night.No more exhaust emissions at night.

At ten o’clock that night, Xiaojing opened the window to ventilate, and felt that the pungent smell was greatly reduced. On the 7th, other residents had similar feelings.

(At the request of the interviewer, Liu Jun, Yuan Qun, Xiaotang, Ms. Huang, Zhou Conge, etc. are pseudonyms.)

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