
At noon on June 7, Sina Technology exclusively learned from two people familiar with the matter.Zhu Jiang (Izzy), vice president of Jidu Automobile in charge of user development and operation, has resignedleaving in mid-April, less than half a year before he joined Jidu Auto.

In response, Jidu Automobile replied to Sina Technology that Zhu Jiang resigned from Jidu Automobile in mid-April 2022.Resignation for personal reasons. However, at that time, Shanghai was affected by the recurrence of the epidemic, and Shanghai enterprises did not resume work normally, so Zhu Jiang’s resignation seemed calm and sudden.

A person familiar with Zhu Jiang told Sina Technology that his resignation from Jidu Automobile was passive.Chidu Motors denies the claimSina Technology tried to contact Zhu Jiang himself for verification, but was unsuccessful, so it could not confirm the authenticity of this statement.

At the end of November 2021, Zhu Jiang joined Jidu Automobile as a vice president, responsible for the user development and operation of Jidu Automobile. Before joining Chidu, he worked in Ford Motor (China) Electric Vehicle Division, and was appointed as the Chief Operating Officer of Ford Motor (China) Electric Vehicle Division, responsible for Ford’s pure electric vehicle Mustang Mach-E related marketing, public relations, The operation and management of sales, service, and customer experience, etc., directly reported to Mark Kaufman, then general manager of Ford Motor (China) Electric Vehicle Division.

In April 2021, Zhu Jiang led the team to help Ford’s first pure electric vehicle Mustang Mach-E achieve domestic production and pre-sale. At that time, there were rumors that he resigned from Ford, and the next stop may be Jikr Automobile and Xiaomi Automobile.

However, after announcing his departure in May 2021, his next stop was Jidu Automobile. At the end of November of that year, Jidu Automobile announced the news of his joining.

Before joining Ford, Zhu Jiang served as the Vice President of NIO User Development in 2017. Earlier, he served as Deputy General Manager of Lexus China, Vice President of MINI China Brand Management, and Vice President of BMW China, and has extensive experience in brand management and marketing.

Jidu Automobile has not yet achieved mass production of automobiles. On June 8, Jidu Automobile plans to release its first concept car robot. The concept model was originally scheduled to be unveiled at the Beijing International Auto Show in April.

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