
In the early morning of June 7th, Beijing time, Apple’s annual WWDC22 officially opened and launched four major operating systems: iOS 16, watchOS 9, macOS Ventura, and iPadOS 16.

A digital blogger wrote, “When the macOS Ventura demo came here, I suddenly remembered the One Step of SmartisanOS.”

Luo Yonghao, CEO of Hammer Technology, forwarded and commented:“Well, this year they let themselves go a bit, and they copied four or five in one go.Last night, I saw that some hammer friends were indignant again, but it was not necessary. Back then, Steve Jobs made so many product innovations, and the difficult ten or twenty years in the middle were also regarded as fools by snobs; WebOS was copied by Apple, but people today don’t even know it exists. “

Luo Yonghao said bluntly,The success or failure of an enterprise is based on comprehensive capabilities and opportunities. It is useless to rely on products alone.

In this regard, some netizens said: “Dare to speak up”, “Parent company warning” and so on.

Luo Yonghao complains about Apple's plagiarism

It is understood that as one of the focuses of WWDC22, iOS 16 has attracted continuous discussions among netizens after its release, and what makes everyone complain is the gradual Android lock screen interface.

In addition, in addition to supporting custom lock screen,The new functions such as keyboard typing vibration, viewing Wi-Fi passwords, and hiding photo albums in iOS 16 were also bluntly called by netizens as “all Androids suck”.

Luo Yonghao complains about Apple's plagiarism

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Shi Qiarticle error correction

Hashtag: iOS hammer technology Luo Yonghao

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