
A really curious bug affects AirTags, or more likely iOS. In recent weeks, iPhone users have had the unpleasant surprise of receiving undue presence alerts from AirTags, sometimes in the middle of the night. This is the signal that we are being followed by a spy tag, planted somewhere on the user or in his belongings by a stalker. Only problem: there are no white trackers in the vicinity, according to the victims of this notification.

One can imagine quite easily that the victims of this bad joke went through the place with a fine-toothed comb, as explains it the wall street journal. Moreover, impossible to ring the AirTag and for good reason, there is none. The notification links to the Locate app, with a map of where the ghost snitch is supposed to be. This map is oddly streaked with straight lines like above:

Asked by the WSJan Apple spokesperson offers a solution: deactivate and reactivate the option Location service in the settings Privacy. The iPhone must be connected to the Wi-Fi network. According to the manufacturer’s representative, these alerts may be the result of confusion between these famous location services and the Wi-Fi signals received by the smartphone.

The latest AirTags update (1.0.301) precisely modifies the sound alert that emanates from a snitch tracker.

AirTags: a louder sound to locate a snitch

AirTags: a louder sound to locate a snitch

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