
watchOS 8 left us wanting more. Probably hampered by COVID-19, this version was content with the bare minimum and clearly questioned Apple’s real desire to exploit the full potential of its watches. Its successor should make everyone agree when it becomes available for download this fall.

Exercise is finally changing

The Exercise app had changed little since its presentation in 2016. Now it is finally changing, well beyond expectations. It is obviously in the field of running that the progress is the most spectacular.

No more, well almost, the single screen during a workout, the user can quickly scroll through them to consult the elements they wish to cover with attention: the heart rate zone, the elevation for lovers of elevation, or power.

For running training, there are two schools: those who swear by the heart rate / speed duo and those who only talk about power. The latter, although largely in the minority, is on the rise and the Apple Watch should democratize its use.

Why train for power? Simply because it is for many a more accurate measurement than heart rate which can vary due to a large number of factors such as weather, emotional state or physical condition at the time.

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