
For a new car listed in the 4S store, there will be corresponding sales training. Among them, there are special words for the car owner consumer group, vehicle product strength, comparison of advantages and disadvantages of similar models, etc., to improve the transaction rate of consumers.

However, a few days ago, some netizens exposed a sales strategy proposal for Hongqi H5, which caused many netizens to complain.

According to the sales strategy suggestion, the overall style of the new Hongqi H6 tends to be stable and business-oriented, mainly facing the urban middle-class user group, with relatively high education and income.

The current H5 has a more sporty and fashionable shape. Although it adopts the styling genes of the previous generation of Hongqi, it is still a cutting-edge design in the current automobile market.The user group it faces will mainly be young and pragmatic people with relatively low education.At the same time, it is the first car of his family, and he prefers sporty appearance and cost performance.

It can be introduced to users by focusing on the back design of the vehicle, the 19-inch oversized wheel hub, the floating central control screen, and the leapfrog space of the B-class car. Compared with the extreme cost performance of the A-class, it can be recognized by users.

It has to be said that manufacturers are also thoroughly pondering the consumer groups of their models, but indiscriminately labeling car owners as “low-education”, is this behavior really appropriate?Or does Hongqi think that more consumers with low education will come to buy their cars?

It is understood that the current Hongqi H5 is a popular model. During the peak period in January this year, the sales volume of Hongqi H5 reached more than 13,000 units. However, since January, due to the shutdown of the epidemic and the shortage of raw materials, the sales began to plummet. In April Its sales volume has been less than 2,000 units, and Hongqi Group is also facing the problem of “stall”.

Netizens revealed that the 4S store Hongqi H5 sales training strategy said that the owner's education is relatively low

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Ruofengarticle error correction

Hashtag: Hongqi 4S shop Hongqi H5

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