
For the unsatisfactory taskbar experience on Windows 11, Microsoft finally made a compromise and decided to withdraw the previous changes.

Windows Latest pointed out: A few weeks ago, Microsoft made changes to the taskbar, and yes, the icons in the system tray popup are difficult to reorder (show hidden icons).

A post in the Official Feedback Hub confirms that the taskbar drag-and-drop feature has been removed, citing an improved tablet experience.

Starting with Windows 11 Build 22616, the functionality on the taskbar system tray will return to the original version of the operating system. As shown in the figure above, the new preview version can freely drag the icon in the taskbar/system tray pop-up window again.

In addition, based on feedback from users, Microsoft has also withdrawn UI improvements made for tablets and will not be provided with the Windows 11 22H2 major version update.

Looking back at the history of the software giant, it’s almost every once in a while that a moth annoys its users.Among the many factors affecting the popularity of the Windows 11 operating system, there are also some changes or limitations that the development team inexplicably introduced.

Of course, even with this compromise, it doesn’t mean that Microsoft will give up on providing more exclusive optimizations for the tablet desktop. Let’s just hope the company doesn’t forget its market failure with the Windows 8 operating system. After all, only by listening to users’ feedback can we avoid such detours again and again.

Microsoft compromises! The Windows 11 taskbar modification is withdrawn, and the user expects the return of the function

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Responsible editor: Snowflakearticle error correction

Hashtags: Windows 11MicrosoftWindowsOS

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