
Microsoft is expanding its Windows Customer Connection Program (WCCP) and inviting commercial customers to participate. Through the WCCP, members can access roadmaps, interact with the Windows development teams, and provide feedback on planned or desired features.

Sounds like the Windows Insider Program – or at least what it used to be. Long-standing Windows insiders have been complaining about the increasing trivialization of this program for quite some time and they are right. At the beginning, under Gabe Aul, you still had the feeling of being part of the Windows development, but that has long since disappeared after several management changes.

In the announcement of the Windows Customer Connection Program, a clear boundary is drawn and it is pointed out that this is a real engineering program and not a marketing event (which presumably unconsciously defines the essential difference to the Windows Insider Program , which is now used for marketing purposes only).

To access the WCCP, you also have to qualify, access is only possible through companies that have a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with Microsoft, because confidential information is communicated via the program. Anyone who has already signed such an NDA agreement can join the program this page to join.

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