
IT House June 5 news, the classic PlayStation platform game “Klonoa” (The Boy of the Wind / Klonoa series). The series hasn’t seen a new entry since 2008, with the last release being a remake of 1997’s Kronoa Gateway to Dreamland on the Wii.

Fourteen years later, at the 2022 Nintendo Direct, Bandai Namco announced that the classic platformer would return as the Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series.

However, the game is actually a remake of the Wii remake, as well as a remake of Klonoa 2: Lunatea’s Veil, with the full version coming later this summer .

While the game was originally announced to be coming to Nintendo’s consoles, Bandai Namco confirmed it would also be coming to other platforms on the same day. There are some new game elements in the new game, such as a new two-player co-op mode, as well as easy and normal difficulty modes. These elements can help new players entering the series for the first time get up to speed faster.

With the game only a month or so away from release, Bandai Namco has already revealed more gameplay.

Bandai YouTube A teaser trailer has been released showing the graphical differences between the Wii remake and the new game, as well as the latest gameplay trailer showing the Wind 2 levels.

In addition, Klonoa’s snowboarding gameplay on the mountain known as Mountains of Mira~Mira was revealed, showing how the level has been reworked with its new graphic style.

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