
3rd and 4th graders will be able to mix cold dishes starting from September, primary and secondary school students will learn to cook, grow vegetables and repair household appliances: experts clear up doubts

Recently, the Ministry of Education officially issued the “Compulsory Education Curriculum Plan” to completely separate labor from the original comprehensive practice activity curriculum, and issued the “Compulsory Education Labor Curriculum Standards (2022 Edition)”. The document states that starting from the fall of 2022, labor class will officially become an independent course for primary and secondary schools.

The regulations also mentioned that in grades 3-4, students should use simple cooking utensils to cut and match ingredients, and make cold dishes and platters according to the general process; in grades 5-6, students should use simple frying, frying, stewing Wait for the cooking method to make 2~3 home-cooked dishes.


According to the compulsory education plan, the average labor course is no less than 1 hour per week, which is used for activity planning, skill guidance, practice practice, summary and communication, etc. At the same time, the course focuses on multi-dimensional evaluation content, various evaluation methods, and diverse evaluation subjects.

What kind of problems led the Ministry of Education to issue such guidance? It’s not that the children’s hands-on ability is too poor, so a guidance document will be issued.

Some experts said that it is an indisputable fact that children lack labor now, and what children lack is not the skills of cooking and sweeping, but the spirit of independence, hard work, and exploration. I hope that some parents are not going to enroll their children in cooking classes because of this, otherwise it will be laughable and generous.

Many netizens also support this approach, thinking that it is still great and can improve children’s hands-on ability.

Hashtag: students eat education future

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The post Grade 3 and 4 students will be able to mix cold dishes. From September, primary and secondary school students will learn to cook, grow vegetables and repair household appliances: experts clear doubts-education for the future, students, meals–Quick Technology (Media under the Drive Home)–Technology changes the future appeared first on Gamingsym.