
asHDDThe third largest in the mechanical hard disk market, Toshiba has also continued to add large-capacity hard disks.HDDHard disk capacity has exceeded18TBToshiba also found a capacity boost70%technology, which will be launched as soon as next year30TBofHDDhard drive.

Toshiba has announced a series of newsTDKIn cooperation with the subsidiary of the company, a production line of mechanical hard disks for data centers has been set up in the company’s factory in Guangdong Province.6month trial,7Energy production in months.

In addition to the Chinese factory and the existing Philippine factory, Toshiba hopes to2025Annual production capacity can be increased to2020Year2times, expanding the share of the data center market from the current17%improve to2025Yeartwenty four%about.

Apart from boostingHDDIn addition to hard disk production capacity, Toshiba is still improvingHDDhard drive capacity,Shipped at the end of last year18TBhard disk, Toshiba has also mastered the ability to upgrade the hard disk to1.7times the technology, that is30TBhard disk.

In fact, Toshiba has announced the roadmap for mechanical hard drives before.2023arrive2024Breakthrough between years30TBmark, certainly based onMAS-MAMRand for the first time using11Disc package, single disc capacity2.7TB.

2025years, Toshiba hard drives will reach35TBimportHAMR(thermally assisted magnetic recording)technology, multiple stacking technology,2026years or later to exceed40TB.

The big thing is the fighting power Toshiba will push 30TB mechanical hard disk next year

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Hashtags: mechanical hard disk hard disk Toshiba

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