
Beijing time on May 6th news, Microsoft and game developer Epic Games announced on Thursday,Xbox cloud gaming users can now play Fortnite for free on Google Android and Apple iOS devices.

▲ “Fortress Night”

Since Apple and Google pulled Fortnite from the App Store in 2020 over an app-rendering dispute, mobile users have been unable to experience the game. Microsoft’s partnership with Epic will allow users, including PC gamers, to stream Fortnite on their device’s Internet browser, just like Netflix, regardless of hardware specs.

Fortnite is the first free-to-play game to join the Xbox cloud gaming service. “Adding free games to the cloud gaming catalog is a very important step as we continue our cloud computing journey,” Microsoft said in a blog post. The move could help Microsoft attract more casual gamers, the software giant It is doubling down on efforts to strengthen its position in the video game market against rival Sony. Earlier this year, Microsoft announced its $68.7 billion acquisition of Call of Duty developer Activision Blizzard.

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