
Intel Arc Ruixuan notebook graphics card is here, how long will it take for desktop graphics cards?

According to foreign media reports, a week ago, Intel held a meeting with supply chain partners in Taiwan Province, during which the release process of the Arc desktop graphics card was disclosed, which was vague, but it was finally finalized.

The first two products, Arc A750 and Arc A580, will be released from the end of May to the beginning of June (to fulfill the commitment to be launched in the second quarter).

The low-end Arc A380 is tentatively scheduled for release in July, priced at $150 and equivalent in performance to the GTX 1650.

The time to market has not yet been fully set, and the currently delineated range isMay 15 to June 30which largely depends on the graphics card brand manufacturer.

The three competitors identified by Intel have similar suggested retail prices, but the actual price is still high. If Intel can achieve this price and performance, it will be very attractive.

In terms of drivers, Intel promises its partners that it is rapidly improving, and will continue to improve and improve after its release.

The RTX 3060 killer is here and the price is sweet! Intel Arc Desktop Graphics Release Date Finalized

According to previous exposures, Intel Arc desktop graphics cards also include A780, A770, A350, and A310.

That is to say, the two most high-end and two most entry-level models have not yet been decided when they will be released. I don’t know when they will be able to challenge the RTX 3070 Ti. It looks like it will be in the middle and late third quarter.

The RTX 3060 killer is here and the price is sweet! Intel Arc Desktop Graphics Release Date Finalized

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Hashtag: Graphics IntelArc Ruixuan

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