
This afternoon, Meizu suddenly appeared on Weibo’s hot search list, and the former “Android King” aroused heated discussions. It is reported that Meizu has been acquired by Geely and is completing the delivery stage. Meizu officials declined to comment on this matter. As early as January this year, there were media reports that Geely’s mobile phone company was in contact with Meizu Mobile to discuss acquisitions. At the same time, the transaction is in the due diligence stage, and the price is not clear. According to previous reports, Geely’s two mobile phone appearance patents have been authorized. The main difference is the arrangement of the rear cameras, which are designed in the shape of a circle and a shield, which once again confirms that Geely’s mobile phone is one step closer to the official landing. If Geely Mobile and Meizu reach a cooperation, it will be a good choice for both parties. Geely can deploy high-end mobile phones and cooperate with future smart cars to form its own ecological advantages. For Meizu, there is also more funds for research and development of mobile phones, which can be reborn. .
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