© Keith Gerstung from McHenry, IL, United States / Wikipedia

The weather is nice, the sun is shining and the birds are singing, but did you know that they also sing at night?

It was after studying the electrical brain activity of zebra finches, a species of bird that is part of the Estrildidae family, that a team from the University of Chicago made an astonishing discovery. They actually discovered that sleeping birds still use their neurons, just like when they’re awake and singing. The patterns of visible neurons are indeed the same.

You should know that the young birds learn to sing by imitation of adult singing. They practice and end up reproducing these sounds. Thus, scientists believe that these birds make sure to store the different melodies after hearing them. Then, to be sure not to forget them, they repeat them later, and especially in their sleep, to remember them even better! Amazing, isn’t it?

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