As the developers of Fntastic announced, the studio decided to switch to Unreal Engine 5 when working on the survival MMO “The Day Before”. As a result, the release of the project has been postponed to spring 2023.
So far it was planned that the open-world MMO “The Day Before”, designed as a crisp survival experience, will be released this year for the PC and the new generation consoles.
As the responsible developers from Fntastic admitted in a recent announcement, nothing will come of it. Instead, the studio decided to use Unreal Engine 5 during development, from which “The Day Before” should benefit both technically and playfully. However, the change to the new graphics engine means that the release of the survival MMO is postponed to next year.
Developers thank you for your support
In the official statement on the postponement, the creators of Fntastic thanked the players for their continued support, stating, “Millions of people have added The Day Before to their wishlists, making The Day Before one of the most anticipated games in the world might. We feel and understand the great responsibility we face and it is with great gratitude in our hearts that we are pleased to announce that The Day Before is moving to the new Unreal Engine 5 technology. The gameplay of The Day Before even more amazing.”
More news about The Day Before:
Those responsible at Fntastic announced March 1, 2023 as the new release date for “The Day Before”. For the time being, however, this only applies to the PC. Unfortunately, it was not revealed when the current console generation in the form of the PlayStation 5 or the Xbox Series X/S will be supplied.
Source: IGN
More news about The Day Before.
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