
On Friday, local time, Indiana, U.S., man Andre Smith was repeatedly run over by a car outside a bar, and paramedics found him under the car and pronounced him dead.

Girlfriend Gaylyn Morris has been charged with murder.A witness said the driver of the car, Gaylyn Morris, told them she was tracking Smith using AirTag and GPS.Morris claimed she was Smith’s girlfriend and believed he was cheating on her.

Morris also told the witness she tracked Smith down and saw him talking to a woman in a bar.

Investigators say Morris picked up an empty wine bottle and threatened to beat the woman. Smith stopped Morris from beating the other woman and trying to get caught between them, after which the bar asked the three to leave. Smith and Morris left the bar, but the other woman stayed inside to order food.

A witness told police that Morris got into her car and knocked Smith down. Then back down and roll over and over again. Morris then left the vehicle and was about to attack the woman, but police arrived and arrested her.

Apple AirTag has been controversial since its launch, with would-be stalkers using the device to track victims despite Apple including various anti-stalking measures.

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