
Although the supply of Wi-Fi core chips continued to be tight in the first half of this year,MediaTek and Realtek shipments show signs of improvement in Q1.According to industry sources, MediaTek and Realtek are both inContinue to strive for more available Wi-Fi core chip 16nm and 12nm chip capacity.

According to Digitimes, many IC design companies pointed out that although 28nm is currently the largest process node in production, it is likely that supply will remain tight for the node in the next few years. Some applications are moving towards more advanced process nodes and seeking more production capacity support.

While there won’t be a lot of Wi-Fi 6E production this year, sources estimate that,Production will increase in the next two years and will use 16nm and 12nm process products. future,Wi-Fi 7 will use a more advanced process. Although the related demand will not expand significantly until after 2025, both MediaTek and Realtek have already started preparations.

At present, among the enterprises in Taiwan, only TSMC can stably provide the production capacity of related processes. Therefore, some people worry that the supply of 16nm, 14nm and 12nm will only become more and more tight. Several IC design companies have urged UMC to promote mass production of related manufacturing process nodes to meet the growing market demand in the future.

Both MediaTek and Realtek have strong foundry capabilities, and this advantage is reflected in the shipment of their Wi-Fi core chip products. Those familiar with the Wi-Fi core chip market believe that,MediaTek’s Wi-Fi 6 shipments in the first half of this year will be considerableand will expand as shipments of routers and notebook applications expand.

In addition to maintaining a stable share in the existing market,Realtek is gradually starting to supply more mid-to-high-end product lineswhich also confirmed at a previous investor conference that its market share has increased.

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