
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time es one of the classic ones that suelen appears in the mayor’s list of best video game historyalgo normal si tenemos en cuente que fue un adventure aventura revolution revolutionieria cambi la industrien para imempere, aortone une series de mecnicas en novedades que siguen si pillares sobre los sustentan muchos juegos a da de hoy.

The water of Ocarina of Time and Unreal Engine 5 con Fluid Flux

Now, the YouTube user CryZENx posted a new video of it on his channel remake fan en el que est trabajando, una very form de homenajear a esta importantsima obra del medio. In this particular case, the version in which the Unreal Engine 5 is working and the video pretends to be, about everything, how to read the grace thanks to the technologist Fluid Flux.

Este plugin offer a simulacin simulation in real time of deep water that is simple and spectacularly spectaculargiving an incredibly realistic and convincing aspect of vital liquidity, so that pods can be tested by your different echndole a view of the video that we include in this same notice so that pods can suck our own conclusions.

In case you want to try a demo of this remake fan, debis saber que solo podris acceder a ella si os suscribs al Patreon de su autor.

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