
To prevent others from doing so.

You probably know the Ubisoft boss Yves Guillemot, but from the beginning it was actually five Guillemot brothers who were actively involved in the company. Nowadays, the family owns only 15.9% of Ubisoft’s shares, but if the rumors are true, they aim to buy significantly more in the near future.

It has been reported by Bloomberg, among others, that Ubisoft may be acquired, and according to Seeking Alpha is something the Guillemot family wants to avoid by buying enough of it themselves, in order to maintain control. They will achieve this by collaborating with a venture capital company. The rumor has already led to surges on the stock market and caused Ubisoft’s share to rise 10%.

Major acquisitions in the gaming industry have become commonplace in recent years, and most recently we saw Embracer pinch several high-profile developers and brands from Square Enix.

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