
Even after you move to the macOS platform, you will be haunted by certain formats native to Windows PC. Until now, the corporate segment prefers Redmond’s Word as the main tool for working with text. In this article, we will tell you how to open DOCX documents on Mac without additional software.

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Under macOS, there has long been a fully functional version of Microsoft Office, no different from the one used on Windows. Moreover, there are others, including free word processors, including OpenOffice or Apple’s Pages, which can open and edit DOCX files. But what if you do not want to take up disk space for programs that are used at best once a month?

To tame DOCX files, we will use the services of a regular macOS editor TextEditas well as a free application Pages in desktop and browser versions.

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How to run DOCX files on Mac in TextEdit?

one. Open File Explorer Finder and highlight the .doc (.docx) file you want to edit.

2. Click the right mouse button and select Open in program → TextEdit.

How to run DOCX files on Mac in TextEdit?

TextEdit allows not only viewing DOCX documents, but also editing them and saving all changes. True, there are also disadvantages – images are not displayed and about any layout in the analogue “notepad‘ need not be said.

How to run DOCX files on Mac in TextEdit?

And if you need more, then we highly recommend installing the Pages program from the Mac App Store, especially since this option is offered by Apple itself.

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How to run .doc (.docx) files on Mac using Pages?

one. Download (free), install and run Pagesif the program is not installed on your Mac.

Download Pages for Mac (Mac App Store).

The program will be free for those who purchased and activated any Mac computer after September 1, 2013.

2. Click menu FileOpen.

How to run DOCX files on Mac in Pages?

3. Select the document you are interested in in the Finder and click “Open“.

Subsequently, the .DOCX format is associated with Pages and documents can be opened directly from Explorer. With Pages, you will have the opportunity to work with both images and layout.

How to run DOCX files on Mac in Pages?

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How to export edited .doc (.docx) file again in .doc (.docx) format in Pages

To export a file from Pages to the original Doc or Docx, use the menu File → Export toWord (detail).

How to save Pages files in Word format (doc, docx) on Mac

How to save Pages files in Word format (doc, docx) on Mac

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How to open and edit .doc (.docx) files in a browser

It is worth noting that Pages also exists in a browser version, which does not require installing an application from the App Store.

To work with Word files (Doc and Docx), go to icloud.com from your computer and enter your Apple ID account information.

How to open and edit .doc (.docx) files in a browser

Open the Pages web app.

How to open and edit .doc (.docx) files in a browser

Drag the required Docx, Doc or .pages files to the Dashboard. After that they will be available for editing.

How to open and edit .doc (.docx) files in a browser

How to open and edit .doc (.docx) files in a browser

See also:


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