Tal y com estaba previsto, Fortnite Battle Royale ha terminado hoy, 4 de june, la Temporada 2 del Captulo 3. Durante las ltimas semanas, hemos ido viendo cmo the famous mecca that lives in Cattus, but with one distinct aspect … as all the players contaban with the robot stellar apparel. But what are you going to do?
A continuacin, os mostramos all that happened during the eventin the video below are these lines, as an explanation of what happened:
Colisin: What happened in the event?
In turn the las 21:30the players who entered the game and side transported to the mecca control cabinfuera del mapa la la isla, en la Base Lunar. Los dems modos han sido deactivadosas always during the events.
In this space it is possible enter a control cabin of caones to appear against the meteorites that rodean the scenario. The center of the cabin has one map of the Isla de Batalla.

During this time the time has passed listen to the members of Los Siete improve the state of the meccaas como al Agent Jones deals with La Fundacin about his number as members of Los Siete, the path of llevarle hasta Geno and detailed techniques of the missin …
A minute’s failure, las cabinas se han cerrado for a minimum misin information. A las 22:11 has finally started the event.
The Paradigm y otros membros de Los Siete han ultimado los detalles del plan y a sequence showed us the support pilots of the mecca (our team). The mecca ha alzado el vuelo and was directed to the island in a sequel.

By the truck, we are loaded destroy meteorites and shelters antes de que chocaran contra el meca. Including leftovers from the alien nave! Finally, our mechanical mastodon has entered the Isle of Battalion posing as a superhero and all.

Aqu has started the battle of Los Siete against the Orden Imaginadawith our robot attacking distinct energy camps for can destroy the Colisionador.

The team has seen the cars with mounts of tanks and trophic lands. Included, as part of the event, is habitual a QTE to deploy a powerful ray from the bad luck of our robot.

No obstante, las tropas terrestres y ereas han sido demasiado y el meca cae tras sufrir demasiados daos.

Aqu is revealed the motive of trying to conduct Banano. Jonesy’s wife’s friend appeared with one Sorbete’s fireplace with which the mecca was recovered

Making use of a spade lserThe Paradigm has proceeded to remove the zeppelin from the OI, advancing in directing the Collisionator without being able to interpose on his truck.

Finally, Los Siete se han dispuesto a destroy the Collisionador with a potent spade attack.

No matter, the things no han salido bien y el suelo ha cedido to the weight of the robot of Los Siete. Con the mecca fuera de servicioour team y Jones has been linked to the OI pair dirigirse al Punto Cero.

By the truck, as can be seen in other ways, The Fundacin appeared to help. During the ascension hemos podido ver cmo se colaban realidades alternativasdejndonos atisbar un duel between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobilo that bsicamente confirm to Sith as character of the prxima Temporada.
Finally, Slone has blocked our truck with a tankdisposed to agree with us.

For sure, The Paradigm nos ha echado una mano … o ms bien se la ha echado a Slone, acabando con ella (o eso parece). Pero lo peor parece por llegar, y es que hemos podido ver por primera vez a Genoto whom La Fundacin really wants to meet.

Jones and La Fundacin were launched at Punto Cero, presumably to read the mysterious Geno. Our team has avoided the Point Cero stall, y The Paradigm has protected us from the mecca of the mecca for guardians of the battles of the battle.

We lost contact with the team, and we saw a The Fundacin and Jones descend on picado a alguna parte (suponemos que a la nueva Isla de Batalla).

Tras un amistoso fist bumpthe image was credited to a Continue … que, valga la redundancia, continue on Temporada 3, Captulo 3.

How much does Temporada 3 feel?
Tal y como ha confirmed Epic Gamesla Temporada 3 will start on June 5thalthough we can not facilitate an exact time.
What news traer the Temporada 3?
Only now can we talk about filtered characters.
This was posted on 4chan last night, the chance of it being fake is EXTREMELY low. pic.twitter.com/CcTMkuELpM Shiina (@ShiinaBR) May 25, 2022
It’s safe to say Darth Vader and Indiana Jones lleguen a Fortnite, aunque desconocemos en qu forma, pero s que ser con toda seguridad con el Pase de Batalla del juego. Poco ms sabemos, ms all de que parece que el a customizable element of this Temporada will be a piece by piece.
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