
1.2 Switch is one of the weirdest launch games in video game history. In reality, however, it is a game that is supposed to make the relevance of the specificities of the nintendo-switch and more specifically of its Joy-Con. It is also a bit Wii Sports of the Switch even if it was not sold as a bundle with the console unlike the emblematic game of the Wii (and we understand better why today in reading the words of Reggie Fis-Aimé- see here.) 1.2 Switch is indeed a veritable catalog of what the Joy-Con have to offer – even if later these specificities will only be used sporadically. Gyroscopic functions, HD vibrations or the IR camera are highlighted through the 28 mini games what is in the title; strange and not always very obvious mini-games which have the particularity of being able to be played virtually anywhere without ever looking at the screen – except to discover the results. 1, 2 switch, it’s a bit of an “air-game” in which you pretend to fight, eat or even milk cows like playing air-guitar. Nevertheless, the title has apparently found its audience with sales of around 3.45 million copies in the world. Sales that could justify the imminent arrival of a sequel. Anyway, that’s what it says the well-known Zippo leaker who thinks he knows that this unexpected sequel will happen This year.

So obviously at this point it’s just a rumor but knowing nintendo, this does not seem totally absurd to us. In writing, however, we would lean more towards a game accompanying the new model of nintendo-switch which could include new Joy-Cons (which would still be compatible with the current Switch.) As the Nintendo Switch 2 is believed to be released alongside Zelda BOTW 2 now expected in Spring 2023, this sequel- if it exists (like the new console), would therefore not be released this year – except to release new Joy-Con. Again, this is just speculation and only time will tell. 2.3 Switch (or whatever its name) exists – or not.

So are you up for a little batch of weird and awkward games? Do not hesitate to tell us in comments.

See as well :

Zelda BOTW 2 is expected at spring 2023. More info with our previous news and the links below.


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