
IT House June 5 news A few days ago, 43rumors reported that Aozhixin (formerly Olympus) will release a new OM-5 camera in July. Now, the whistleblower has released some parameter information of the OM-5 camera.

43rumors said,Aozhixin’s new OM-5 is equipped with 47 million pixel CMOS, but the effective pixel is 41 million, and it can also achieve high-speed continuous shooting at 20 frames per second.. There is currently no information on the appearance of the new OM-5 of Aozhixin.

▲ Cash Olympus (OLYMPUS) E-M5 Mark III

IT House learned that after acquiring the Olympus camera brand, Aozhixin has now released M43 format flagship camera OM-1, single body 15499 yuan.The OM-5 is expected to be priced lower.

▲ OM-1

Related Reading:

“Aozhixin released M43 format flagship camera OM-1: 20.37 million pixels, 2200 US dollars”

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