
The roller coaster malfunctioned tourists were forced to step down from 77 meters high. The live video showed a moment of horror: netizens called out horror

recentlyThe roller coaster of an amusement park in Nanchang, Jiangxi suddenly hovered in the air, causing many people to be trapped. The frightening scene displayed in the video made many netizens very worried.

According to the tourists’ response, it had been more than ten minutes before the rescue, and when he stepped down from the 77-meter air, his legs were already weak.


The park said that the reason for the equipment failure is unclear, and the ticket will be refunded or re-invited to play in the park in the future.

After watching this scene, some netizens said that there is a high probability that they will not play this project after watching this video.

There are also netizens who bluntly stated that it is better not to be head down. I would never dare to try these sports. My heart really can’t stand it, and some netizens said that this ticket was so worth it, and also gave away the experience of high-altitude walking!

The roller coaster malfunctioned tourists were forced to step down from 77 meters high. The live video showed a moment of horror: netizens called out horror

The roller coaster malfunctioned tourists were forced to step down from 77 meters high. The live video showed a moment of horror: netizens called out horror

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Snowflakearticle error correction

Hashtag: roller coaster high altitude netizens hot discussion

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