
Apple’s App Store’s cut is so outrageous that even the richest man in the world thinks it’s expensive. On May 4, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said on Twitter on Tuesday that Apple’s App Store cut is like a levy on the Internet following reports of an antitrust lawsuit filed by the European Union over Apple’s payment services. With a 30% tax, the fee is 10 times the normal level that it should have, definitely not. Musk’s former company, U.S. payments provider PayPal, raised concerns about the Apple Pay service with the European Commission, helping to push for a formal antitrust lawsuit against Apple and its iPhone payment system, according to people familiar with the matter. It is reported that the Apple App Store has been charging application developers 30% since its establishment in 2008. Currently, the App Store has become one of the largest commercial centers in the world, with sales reaching $500 billion last year alone. Regarding the “Apple tax”, in addition to app developers complaining, even consumers can’t stand it, a .
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