Just in time for Star Wars Day, Fortnite is bringing back its Star Wars outfits and lightsabers.
Starting today, May 4th, 2022, these will be available again for a short time in-game.
Dress like a stormtrooper
Until May 17, 2022, you have the opportunity to re-save all previously available Star Wars outfits that were not part of a Battle Pass in the in-game shop.
Nine out of ten Star Wars outfits are returning, with the exception of the Mandalorian.
The following outfits are available until May 17, 2022:
- Boba Fett
- Fennec Shand
- Finn
- Imperial Stormtroopers
- Krrsantan
- Kylo Ren
- Rey
- Sith Troopers
- Zori Bliss
Matching this, the lightsabers are back in the game for a limited time.
Here you have the choice between Luke Skywalker’s green lightsaber, Kylo Ren’s red lightsaber and Mace Windu’s purple lightsaber, which you can find on the island. A blue lightsaber can also be found. Previously titled Rey’s lightsaber, this time it belongs to Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The E-11 Blaster Rifle also comes into play. You can find it in chests and on the ground, and you can also exchange it at stormtrooper checkpoints.
Stay tuned for new Star Wars quests available through May 17th. Each quest gives you experience points and an imperial banner beckons as a reward when you complete five.
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