The realme Buds Q2s headset was released on March 3. It adopts a transparent “space capsule” design, a 10mm bass-enhancing large dynamic unit, a 480mAh battery, and flash charging technology. The daily price is 199 yuan.
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Realme Buds Q2s are designed with a transparent “space capsule” and have two novel colors of “Sen” and “Paper”.
Realme Buds Q2s are equipped with a battery with a total capacity of up to 480mAh, which increases the battery life by 50% compared with the previous generation, and can achieve 30 hours of battery life. Based on 4 hours of daily use, it can be used for a week without charging. Realme Buds Q2s are also equipped with flash charging technology.
Realme Buds Q2s uses a 10mm bass-enhancing large moving coil unit, combined with the advanced Bass Boost + composite bass enhancement scheme, the layering is more obvious, and it also supports Dolby Atmos.
For call scenarios, Realme Buds Q2s adopts AI intelligent noise reduction algorithm. Based on the different needs of users in different call scenarios, it can effectively reduce the ambient noise around the call and make people’s voice more prominent.
In terms of waterproof performance, the Realme Buds Q2s body supports IPX4 waterproof level, which can effectively prevent splashing, rain and sweat erosion. In addition, Realme Buds Q2s also supports the realme Link App function, which can customize the headset function according to personal preferences.
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