
Announced last February, POST VOID is an FPS developed by YCJY Games as well as the second title to be published by Super Rare Games. Initially expected for the spring of 2022, the psychedelic title finally offers itself a new release date now set for July 21, 2022. To learn more about the title, we let you (re)discover the game trailer below.

POST VOID is a challenging arcade-style first-person shooter with one goal: to be fast. Advance and keep your idol filled with liquid by killing opponents. Each race will be a little different thanks to procedurally generated levels. Keep your head full and reach the end; Kill what you can to see her repair herself; Get the high score or try again.
Take your favorite shooters from the past, put them in a blender, add some paint and tons of caffeine, and voila, you have

The rules are simple: with a pistol in one hand and an idol containing your health in the other, you have one goal: To be fast.

You have to move around constantly and keep your idol replenished by racking up your kill count. If you slow down for even a minute, it’s game over – no life, no retry. Every run is different, thanks to the procedurally generated levels, so to reach the oasis at the end of each level and pick up a well-deserved random buff, you’re really going to have to…well, get good.

There are no places to hide, or stop to catch your breath, and a single mistake can end your run. Runs are short, so death doesn’t sting long – and you’ll die, again, and again, and again. You just have to get back to it and hone your skills.

POST VOID is an addictive game, whether you have time for a quick run or put in hours of it as you get closer to the end.

It is intentionally intense, violent, and chaotic in both gameplay and visual style. Designers Josef and Christopher put their quirky sense of style and passion into every second.


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