
IT House May 4 news, Intel has acquired a Finnish company called Siru Innovations to enhance GPU technology capabilities.

Intel announced the acquisition via a Twitter tweet on Tuesday, which said: “We are excited to bring Siru Innovations to the Intel Graphics team!This talented team brings decades of experience developing graphics IP and software services, will help support our customers in MaaS/ADAS, gaming, hyperscale and more. Welcome! “

“Siru adds key GPU talent that will support Intel’s pursuit of leading graphics IP (intellectual property),” said Intel VP Balaji Kanigicherla.

Mika Tuomi, one of the co-founders of Siru Innovations, is a member of Future Crew, which created innovative PC graphics presentations in the 1980s and 1990s.

Tuomi later founded BitBoys, which released Glaze 3D in 1999, a powerful desktop GPU at the time, but the product never came to market. Later, BitBoys shifted its focus to mobile graphics before being acquired by ATI Technologies, which was later acquired by AMD. The team at BitBoys also ended up working at Qualcomm in 2009, after AMD sold its phone division to Qualcomm.

Mikko Alho, a former employee of Tuomi and BitBoys, then founded Siru Innovations in 2011, a developer of graphical intellectual property, software-defined radios and industrial touchscreen user interfaces, which also provides expertise to the software industry, according to the company’s website. Serve.

The company says that Siru has a deep understanding of computer graphics, from high-level APIs (Vulkan, OpenGL, DirectX…) to GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) architecture, down to the finest implementation details of its internal functions.

In a LinkedIn post, Alho added: “Since our founding in 2011, we’ve built an incredible platform, developed proprietary technology, and have become a trusted partner in the graphics industry. Joining Intel is a great blessing to us. A testament to the team’s deep expertise in customizing GPU IP throughout the design lifecycle.”

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