
I believe that the press conference in the early morning of yesterday has made many players excited: the landing of the “Marvel Spider-Man” series on the PC platform within the year is quite a heavy news at this conference. However, while many players cheered, many players laughed at the decision of Sony and the developer Insomniac (Insomniac). The reason is that the Insomnia Group once stated in a tweet before the release of “Marvel’s Spider-Man” in 2017: “Marvel’s Spider-Man” will be a PlayStation platform exclusive work and “never land on Xbox and PC”. At the time, this statement was not a big problem, but with Sony’s strategic innovation, this statement is quite funny to many players today, and it is even more troubling: in April 2020, “Horizon: Zero Dawn” “After confirming the landing on the PC, the Insomnia Group has repeatedly reiterated that “Marvel’s Spider-Man” is an exclusive work on PlayStation and will not appear on the PC platform. In addition to reassuring players at that time, these guarantees have also become an important reason for the insomnia group to be ridiculed by the group today. Player Fun Picture: .
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