
Land Rover Aurora “GTA” off-road is soaring!The result is terrible: the shock absorption and suspension are completely scrapped

Off-roading is risky, so be careful when driving off-road.

A few days ago, netizens uploaded a video of a Land Rover Aurora, “GTA”-style off-road, arousing concern and heated discussion among netizens.

In the video, this Land Rover Aurora quickly rushed up from the bottom of the slope, and after reaching the top of the slope,Directly “flying into the sky”, but under the action of gravity, after the Land Rover briefly overcame the gravity of the earth, the Land Rover fell to the ground again.


Unfortunately, the chassis structure of Land Rover did not withstand the huge impact. Almost all the suspension and chassis structure of the vehicle were scrapped, and the entire body was weakly lying on the tires.

There is no doubt that the owner of the car suffered a huge loss this time, and it is conservatively estimated that tens of thousands of dollars were lost. And because this kind of off-road is not a road traffic accident, the insurance company will probably not pay the claim, and the car damage can only be borne by itself.

In fact, because of off-road accidents, it is not uncommon in the domestic off-road circle. Previously, the tank 300 off-road accident exposed by netizens,A tank 300 was off-roading on the slopes by the lake. During the downhill process, one of the front wheels stepped on the air, and the vehicle rolled down the hill all the way.

Photos of the accident scene showed that the body of the tank 300 suffered a serious impact, the vehicle was deformed and the vehicle was seriously damaged, and one wheel was directly dropped.

I also specially remind car owners who love off-road that the first priority of off-road is to ensure the safety of themselves, others and vehicles.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Ruofengarticle error correction

Hashtag: Land Rover off-road vehicle accident

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