
A15/M1 processor leaks a large number of confidential files and can be reverse engineered: Apple sues startup company for stealing

When it comes to products that Apple is proud of, the A-series and M-series processors should be ranked first.

For Apple, however, came the headache.The company has sued startup Rivos, accusing it of stealing confidential information about its latest A15 and M1 processor chips.

It is understood that Rivos is a company established in June 2021, and its business content is the development of system-on-chip (SoC). However, the company is very mysterious. Some financial media have learned that the company’s principle of poaching Apple’s R&D employees is to “do everything possible”. At least 40 people have been robbed, and they have also been asked to take away several gigabytes from Apple’s copy. Confidential document “Certificate of Acceptance”.

According to Apple’s allegations, at least two former employees stole thousands of documents related to A15 and M1 designs and transactions. These documents, information, etc. can speed up the development of Rivos’ own chips and put Apple at a disadvantage in the market.

Of course, before we get to the bottom of it, it cannot be ruled out that this is Apple’s legal means to suppress Rivos.

Regarding the processor design lawsuit, Apple is also well-known for its Nuvia, founded by former chief chip designer Gerrard Williams III. However, the case will not be heard until October 2023, and Nuvia has been acquired by Qualcomm as a whole.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Wan Nanarticle error correction

Hashtags: apple a15 apple m1 lawsuit

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