
IT House news on May 4, according to the Russian Satellite News Agency, on May 3 local time, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said that the United States believes that theRussia will continue work on the International Space Station at least in the near future,andHope to cooperate as planned until 2030.

IT House learned that Nelson emphasized that despite the situation in Russia and Ukraine, NASA and Roscosmos are still interacting with each other in terms of orbit, astronaut and astronaut training.

According to the report, Rogozin, general manager of Roscosmos, previously said,The company has made a decision on its participation in future ISS projects.Rogozin did not specify when he would withdraw from the project, but said the Russian sideISS partners will be notified one year in advance.

According to CCTV News, Nelson said that recent news that Russia will withdraw from the International Space Station has caused public concern.But Russia did not quit. He emphasized that the astronauts of Russia and the United States have a good relationship, and both countries must participate in the work of the International Space Station in order for the space station to function properly.

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