Video game developer Nintendo will not be present at Games 2020 this year.
In August, after a two-year break due to the corona pandemic, a Gamescom 2022 will take place again on the exhibition grounds in Cologne.
But a major exhibitor will not be present this year. As reported by GamesWirtschaft, Nintendo will not be there to advertise its hardware and software to visitors.
Nintendo’s Frankfurt headquarters have already confirmed this to GamesWirtschaft and said, among other things:
“Gamescom is a key event in the event calendar for Nintendo. This year, however, after careful consideration, we decided against participating in Cologne.”
“Instead, players can try out the games for Nintendo Switch at numerous Germany-wide events. Events that have been planned so far include road shows with our Airstreamer and our Bulli, for example at locations such as the SWR Summer Festival and the Stuttgart Children and Youth Festival.”
It will also take part in the Main Matsuri Japan Festival in Frankfurt, DoKomi in Düsseldorf and AnimagiC in Mannheim to reach its customers.
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