
Pinpoint pixel art meets precise platforming perfection: The handy adventure “Raven’s Hike” should at least temporarily satisfy your hunger for crisp jump passages with its more than 60 levels for little money.

Attention friends of “Celeste” and comparable pixel platformers: “Raven’s Hike” may not necessarily be the next big blockbuster in the ring, but at least it’s a lovingly created treat for in between.

The indie adventure from Brazilian development studio Wired Dream Studio offers a solid number of pointed challenges for little money: A treat that fits perfectly between two larger triple-A main meals.

Raven’s Hike: Handy in every way

As befits most platformers, you shouldn’t expect a big story in “Raven’s Hike”: The young, talented climber and title hero Raven wants to reach the top of a tower and you have to help him. What awaits him up there?

Well, to find out, you’ll first have to complete the 60+ handcrafted levels thrown your way by the development team. Because of course “Raven’s Hike” should also offer more experienced players a pleasant challenge and not be a walk in the park.

In the center of the title is the grappling hook, with which you can swing from wall to wall in the 2D sections. Only those who use this useful tool skillfully will be able to avoid dangerous obstacles such as spikes and falling stone pillars and climb further up.

What starts out simple, of course, quickly gets out of hand and after a few levels your abilities in terms of reaction speed and problem-solving will be put to the test. Platforming fans can look forward to simple but pointed pixel art and a catchy soundtrack that accompanies them through the many levels of the tower.

“Raven’s Hike” has been out for them for a few days PlayStation 4 and 5, the Xbox One and Xbox Series as well as the Nintendo Switch. The pixel platformer was released for the PC last fall and costs just €3.99 there, just like on the other platforms.

More news about Raven’s Hike.

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The post Precise pixel platformer presented in launch trailer appeared first on Gamingsym.