
The project for a robot signed Tesla has not been a secret for many months, but Elon Musk has just announced that the famous Optimus could be presented very soon.

September 30 is the date to mark on your calendar if you are passionate about robotics. Why ? Because Tesla, a key player in the electric car, would like to take advantage of this date to present Optimus, its humanoid robot equipped with artificial intelligence. The information comes from the source closest to the matter, Elon Musk himself, who once again spoke on Twitter to meet the fans of the brand, and more generally all observers in the sector.

Indeed, the founder of Tesla had initially scheduled the “Tesla AI Day #2”, an event around artificial intelligence projects at the manufacturer, on August 19. Speaking again, he not only pushed back the date of AI Day to September 30, but he confirmed that Tesla could unveil a working prototype of Optimus, his famous robot.

Will the Tesla Optimus be available in 2023?

On the first day devoted to artificial intelligence last year, Tesla took the opportunity to unveil major advances in autonomous driving. The manufacturer had also announced that it was working on Dojo, its supercomputer project. Finally, the last surprise, undoubtedly the most impressive, concerned the Tesla “Bot”, its humanoid robot very quickly renamed Optimus. In other words, Tesla AI Day is anything but a trivial event and the date of September 30 was not chosen at random. This is simply the end of the third fiscal quarter of the year.

During the initial announcement of the Tesla Bot, Elon Musk specified that the manufacturer would have a functional prototype before the end of 2022 with the aim of starting production in 2023. Considered particularly ambitious and optimistic, the timing of the time seems respected and for good reason, the boss of the brand had judged in January of this year that the Optimus project should have priority over all other Tesla products. Cybetruck fans will have to be patient. They could well see a humanoid robot arrive capable of servicing their vehicle before the marketing of said car.

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